
Letters: The desert’s water

Re “Is this water project worth the risk?,” Editorial, Aug. 6

After two years of extensive studies, the Santa Margarita Water District board of directors certified the Cadiz Valley Water Conservation, Recovery and Storage Project’s final environmental impact report. If it becomes operational, the project would provide a supplemental water supply for the district and others in Southern California, increasing reliability to many dependent on imported water.

The report includes mitigation measures that reduce most impacts below a significant level. The groundwater monitoring, management and mitigation plan the board also approved provides robust, independent monitoring by a technical review panel of groundwater experts, with San Bernardino County and the water district enforcing the panel’s findings and, if necessary, halting withdrawals from the groundwater basin.


This is far more than the additional studies

The Times recommended. It’s an independent, active program to ensure the protection of desert resources.

Dan Ferons

Rancho Santa Margarita

The writer is general manager of the Santa Margarita Water District.


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