
Letters: Chinatown or Bunker Hill?

Re “Culture clash,” Opinion, Aug. 13

What those upset over it do not acknowledge is that the building in which the Wal-Mart supermarket is being developed borders Bunker Hill as closely as it does Chinatown. The building, which contains a Subway restaurant and is across the street from a Burger King, has no apparent architectural relationship with the pagodas and signage several blocks away. The building itself is closer in walking distance to mock Tuscan multi-family dwellings that are not even technically part of Chinatown.

This formerly undeveloped space, of course, could have housed an Asian food market or cooperative operated by those who claim their financial interests are at stake. But absent other committed and meaningful proposals for developing the space, those objecting to Wal-Mart ignore both the style of the building housing it and the neighborhood needs on the other sides of it.


Robert Latham

Los Angeles


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