
U. S. Navy Data Center Design Gets Approval

The final design of a $14.5-million Navy Regional Data Automation Center, to be built on North Island, San Diego Bay, has been approved by the Western Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command. The construction date is not set but will be this year, the principals said.

The design for the 135,000-square-foot building was created by Krommenhoek/McKeown & Associates of San Diego. Included are a co-generation system, security systems, a local area network system and teleconferencing facilities. The single-story structure will be of site-cast tilt-up panels with dark gray glass.

Engineering consultants are Burkett & Wong, civil and structural; Merle Strum & Associates, mechanical, and Randall/Lamb/Associates, electrical. Van Dyke & Associates designed the landscaping and interiors are by Brenda Mason Design Associates.
