A Hezbollah militant, left, who some believe to be Imad Mughnieh, holds TWA pilot John Testrake hostage in Beirut in 1985, a hijacking he was suspected of planning. (NABIL ISMAIL, AFP/Getty Images)
Imad Mughniyah, seen at left in a recent photo from Hezbollah, and in images issued by Interpol, first became a militant as a teenager in the 1970s during Lebanon’s civil war and was later trained by the Palestinian Fatah faction. (-, AFP/Getty Images)
Mourners in South Beirut accompany the coffin of Imad Mughniyah, a key Hezbollah military strategist. (Mohammed Zaatari / Associated Press)
Fayez Mughniyah, father of Imad Mughniyah, comforts his own father in southern Beirut. (Mazen Akl AFP/Getty Images)
Members of Hezbollah stand next to the casket of Imad Mughniyah, a leader in the Shiite Muslim militant group’s military wing, in southern Beirut. (Mussa al-Husseini AFP/Getty Images)
Hezbollah fighters hold a ceremony for Imad Mughniyah, who was slain in a bombing in Damascus that was blamed on Israel. He was wanted by the West in terrorist attacks. (Mahmoud Zayat AFP/Getty Images)
In Lebanon, Hezbollah is presenting an exhibition commemorating the second anniversary of the latest war with Israel centered on the group’s slain military commander, Imad Mughniyah. (Raed Rafei / For the Los Angeles Times)
Some of Mughniyah’s personal belongings are on display. (Raed Rafei / For the Los Angeles Times)
An Israeli Merkava tank with smoke and fire-like lights erupting from it every once and a while is one of the exhibits. (Raed Rafei / For the Los Angeles Times)
The exhibition, somewhere between kitsch and symbolism, has already attracted about 40,000 Lebanese visitors and tourists, according to the organizers. (Raed Rafei / For the Los Angeles Times)