
Of two minds on Manchester story

Loved the piece on Manchester, England, for many reasons [“Manchester’s New, True Grit,” July 1] but mainly because it reminded me why I feel so proud to have been born, lived and worked [in Manchester].

The transformation of the city in the last 20 years or so has been remarkable. Growing up I couldn’t wait to leave, but it all changed as I hit my teenage years.

Now wild horses couldn’t drag me away. When other cities were lost in the malaise of the ‘80s recession, Manchester pulled itself up by its bootstraps and reinvented itself.


I woke up this morning and looked at the rain and wondered if I might not be better off in sunnier climes. Your article reminded me how much I’d miss the place.

--Dave Livesey, Manchester, England

Great article on Manchester and the talented musicians who have emerged from the region. The article tightened my resolve to visit Morrissey’s birthplace. Writing like this is why I continue to subscribe to the L.A. Times.

--Paul Tessaro, San Diego

Admit that the Travel section is lost and needs to find a new direction and a new vision.

How many of your readers have any interest in visiting Manchester? Yet you make it your lead story.


Where is your sense of audience?

Michael Ludmer

Los Angeles
