
April 29

Last Sunday, when my head wasn’t so foggy from writing the cover story for May 8, I went with a friend, visiting from America, to the ballet at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, near the Place de l’Alma, at the bottom of the chic Avenue Montaigne. It has a svelte, white Art Deco façade and is where Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” premiered. Champagne seemed necessary.

Sylvie Guillem, who made her debut at l’Opéra de Paris in 1983 and then moved to modern dance in London, was excellent. The choreography, created by Russell Maliphant, capitalized on her long, expressive arms and showed off her ability to put meaning in every movement.

A French friend says she’s this country’s most important contemporary artist. From what I’ve seen so far, I think that’s true.
