
Letters to the Editor: Why enforcing vaccination rules will be good for restaurants’ business

Restaurants in Los Angeles are now required to check the vaccination status of their customers.
(La Verne Police Department)

To the editor: Milbet Del Cid’s concern about Latino resistance to proving vaccination to enter her Guatemalan restaurant in Koreatown is not unique to her ethnic population. I’m sure many restaurants and other Los Angeles local businesses may encounter some angry customers who will threaten to take their money elsewhere when asked for proof of vaccination. (“As L.A. prepares to enforce vaccine mandate, businesses expect some unpleasantness,” Nov. 28)

However, I hope owners also realize that following the mandate of requiring vaccination also encourages the close to 82% of us in Los Angeles County who have received at least one COVID-19 shot to frequent their business.

Maybe many will follow the routine that I have used and thank the individual who asks for proof of vaccination as a way to make the proprietor realize it promotes business, not discourages it.


Steve Latshaw, West Hills


To the editor: My extensive personal and professional experience leads me to conclude that those who cannot accept and follow the rules are not good business people to begin with. (“Fines, citations but no compliance: How some restaurants have defied L.A. County on COVID-19,” Nov. 26)

Further, if you have to cheat, that’s an additional sign of poor business skills (among other things). Cheaters may prosper, but not forever.

So, my kudos go to the Los Angeles County public health enforcement personnel and others who carry out our laws. Whether it’s taxes or regulations or other rules of society, if you can’t afford to run an establishment without being noncompliant, maybe you need to find another way to make a living.


Loren Mark, Los Angeles


To the editor: Reading your article on restaurants that defied L.A. County COVID-19 health rules, I kept looking for the logic in maintaining the state of emergency and why businesses could not even offer outdoor dining last winter.

The article mentions no prior health infractions from the restaurants, only their valiant effort to financially survive the pandemic by providing a service for which the customers were willing to pay.

County health inspectors are supposed to catch what a customer cannot see, such as unsanitary conditions in the kitchen and improper food handling. After more than 18 months of “emergency” conditions, I trust consumers to know and weigh the risks of dining out.


Also, I commend the business owners’ attempts to keep their staff employed.

Ryan Baum, Davis, Calif.


To the editor: Governments don’t have to be the bad guy for COVID-19 vaccine enforcement. It’s time to follow the money and have health insurance companies take action to control their costs for treating patients sickened by the virus.

Which will be the first health insurance company to put out a rule that says policy holders who qualify for COVID-19 vaccinations and refuse to get them must pay more for their insurance to cover treatment for possible illness?

If such a policy is enacted, I suspect a lot of holdouts will see vaccines in a different light.

Alan Rosenberg, Dana Point
