
Opinion: A protected, natural playground in the San Gabriels: Don’t touch it, Mr. President.

After traveling from Orange County for the day, Dioselin Romero, center, and Isabel Flores leap from the banks of the East Fork of the San Gabriel River.
After traveling from Orange County for the day, Dioselin Romero, center, and Isabel Flores leap from the banks of the East Fork of the San Gabriel River.
(Steve Lopez / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Steve Lopez’s piece on the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument being under review for modification by the Trump administration brings to mind the importance of nature in the development of our youngsters. (“Hey President Trump, leave the San Gabriel Mountains alone,” Aug. 30)

“Nature deficit disorder” has been identified in recent years as contributing to certain learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder. With our ever-growing population and urban environment, we need to expand such sites of natural beauty, not reduce them.

I visited the San Gabriels many times in my youth during the 1940s and well remember the peace and joy they brought to my family. Think twice, President Trump, before taking this away from us.


David B. Housh, Glendora


To the editor: Thanks to Lopez for exploring the San Gabriel Mountains, an area that many of us have never visited, and yet just knowing such beauty is so close to Los Angeles makes a difference.

The quote at the end of the article was a perfect example of how not to think. Reacting to the possibility that protections would be scaled back, one person said, “That’d be sad. We’ve got little enough left.”

However we choose to protest, we must fight against the Trump administration and not passively let this happen. We’re strong enough not to let it damage our lives.


Lynn Leatart, Sherman Oaks

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