
Readers React: Homeland Security says ‘no free pass’ for children at borders

To the editor: The recent influx of unaccompanied children attempting to cross the border has led Republicans to blame President Obama. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is just the latest to demand that the president “secure the borders.” (“ ‘No free pass’ at the border,” June 26)

Question: If the borders were not secured, would thousands of minor illegal immigrants have been apprehended?

Bill Say, Simi Valley


To the editor: Emma Lazarus, who wrote the welcoming lines that adorn our Statue of Liberty, must be turning over in her grave. She referred to America as a “mother” of exiles.


Today, when beleaguered children cross our border in hope of a better life, they are thrown into cages. What kind of mother throws a wandering and frightened child into a cage? This generation’s immigration policy, and this crisis in particular, will be a national shame for years to come.

Michael Napoliello, Manhattan Beach
