
Readers React: A doctor who cares about his patients, not the money

To the editor: Thank you so much for the piece on the heroic Dr. Dennis Mull, who, at age 77, honors his heart’s call to provide medical services at a clinic that serves many impoverished families in South L.A. — commuting from his home in Irvine and arriving at work at 6 a.m. (“With notecards instead of computer files, Dr. Mull makes the rounds early at South L.A. clinic,” Dec. 28)

Emblematic of his selfless commitment are his own words: “It was then [tending to South Vietnamese farmers in desperate search of medical care] I learned that I like taking care of very, very poor people.” What a needed respite for those of us increasingly mired in cynicism and disgust whenever we read newspapers or watch the news on TV.

Thank you, Dr. Mull. I beseech the Times to run more upbeat, inspiring pieces on a regular basis. Many of us are struggling to preserve some semblance of hope for humankind.


Les Herold, Desert Hot Springs

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