
Letters to the Editor: How to turn those old RVs into a solution for homelessness

Old recreational vehicles are parked on Figueroa Street in South L.A. in 2020.
(Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: “The poor you will always have with you.” I’m not particularly keen on using Bible verses to prove a point, but it would appear that what Jesus says in Matthew Chapter 26, at least so far, has been true. (“The real and complicated reasons why Los Angeles still has so many RV encampments,” column, March 5)

So, I propose the following to address the clusters of old recreational vehicles parked on streets around Los Angeles.

We talk about small housing as a solution; why not look at RVs as part of that? Allow those living in them to congregate in areas where it will not impact surrounding housing, businesses or parks.


Then, provide city, county or state services to them as would be provided to those in housing or business communities, such as trash collection and street cleaning. Providing water would be a challenge; perhaps there could be water tanks where residents could come to fill up containers. Provide waste disposal pump-out stations.

Recognize and accept that not all laws and regulations are going to be met. Continue working toward an ultimate goal while at least meeting some of the needs of those who cannot or will not currently meet them. Half a loaf is better than none.

John Snyder, Newbury Park


To the editor: Instead of trying to get people out of their RVs and into some other kind of housing, there is a much more humane and cost-effective solution. Perhaps the city and county could find out how to build RV parks.


These would provide places where RV dwellers could park and hook up to a sewer line, electricity and water, stay in their mobile homes, keep their pets, have their privacy and be safe. At the same time, it will remove them from the streets.

My husband and I have traveled across America on vacations in RVs. An RV is a great place to live, and when you get into an RV park and hook up to utilities, it is just about perfect. I have stayed in everything from a tiny country park with about 20 spaces, to huge and luxurious facilities outside Washington.

Surely, there is property available in our county where an RV park (or several) could be built for people living on the street. It would certainly be better for them and a lot less costly than retrofitting existing structures or building new ones for housing.


Judy Reinsma, Santa Clarita
