
Letters: The buck stops with Obama

Re “The court sides with secrecy,” Editorial, Feb. 27

Your editorial was misdirected. It is the president who has control over how much secrecy there will be.

As a first-time presidential candidate, Obama rebuffed opponents of warrantless wiretaps (the top concern of the public on his campaign website) who urged him to abide by the rule of law under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.


Obama leveraged warrantless wiretapping to his current policy of no judicial oversight whatsoever on targeted killings of suspected terrorists, both foreigners and Americans. He holds the high cards politically, not only as the commander in chief but also as someone who taught constitutional law and as a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Sadly, there is widespread support for this policy not only from the GOP but also from liberal Democrats.

Whatever happened to the conservative idea of a “government of laws and not of men”?

Gene Rothman
Culver City

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