
Letters: Voting for L.A. schools

Re “Schools and City Hall,” Opinion, Feb. 25

Will the election on Tuesday make or break public education in Los Angeles?

Will voters, the new mayor and L.A. Unified Supt. John Deasy come together in embracing a new culture of continuous improvement?

Or might micromanagement by elected officials and constraints imposed by labor contracts push L.A. Unified closer to a slippery slope toward extinction: public support declines, philanthropy dwindles and talented people departing to private institutions?


Imagine private institutions working together with the aid of philanthropic/investor support to explore, develop and adopt cost-effective ways for raising student achievement to much higher levels of excellence.

Imagine making education more interesting, more effective and tailored to each student’s circumstances, needs, achievements, abilities, interests and possibilities.

Imagine what interdisciplinary teams of L.A.’s best and brightest educators, systems engineers, entertainment professionals and IT experts might accomplish.


Jean Gebman
San Diego

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