
‘70s heartthrob David Cassidy arrested on suspicion of DUI near LAX

Former pop singing star David Cassidy was arrested near LAX on Friday night on suspicion of drunk driving, the California Highway Patrol said Saturday.

Cassidy, now 63 and a resident of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was driving a rental car shortly after 9 p.m. when he left the southbound 405 Freeway at La Tijera Boulevard and made an illegal right turn against a red light, the CHP said.

A CHP patrol unit in the area followed the car and stopped it on Airport Boulevard near LAX. The officer reported noticing the smell of alcohol in the car and Cassidy subsequently was arrested and spent the night in jail.


He was released Saturday morning on $15,000 bail and is scheduled to appear in court Feb. 5, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Inmate Information Center.

Cassidy is a former star of “The Partridge Family” television show and was a teenage heartthrob during the 1970s.


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Twitter: @jeanmerl
