A piano named Sapphire
UCLA doctoral candidate Lana Chae plays Sapphire at UCLA’s Royce Hall. After Sapphire’s arrival last December, she volunteered to spend hundreds of hours breaking in the piano. When she played it for the first time, she wept. “She’s so responsive,” Chae said. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times)
UCLA’s Royce Hall boasts a new Steinway concert grand.
Teri Meredyth, the longtime piano technician at UCLA’s Royce Hall, lifts the piano’s keyboard. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times)
Lana Chae examines the soundboard. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times)
Teri Meredyth, left, and Lana Chae work on getting the right sound. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times)
Lana Chae plays Sapphire at Royce Hall. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times)
Teri Meredyth tunes and voices Sapphire before a Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra concert Dec. 9. (Katie Falkenberg / For The Times)
Jeffrey Kahane, music director of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, congratulates Teri Meredyth on her tuning before the Dec. 9 concert. (Katie Falkenberg / For The Times)
Teri Meredyth works on the repetition strings. (Katie Falkenberg / For The Times)
Getting the right sound is a meticulous process. (Katie Falkenberg / For The Times)
Sapphire is moved into place for the concert. (Katie Falkenberg / For The Times)
Sapphire, with Jeffrey Kahane at the keyboard, is at the center of the action. (Katie Falkenberg / For The Times)