Family Unit
MY MOMS ARE LESBIANS Baylor McNeely Odabashian puts his arm around mother Ash McNeely. His other mother, Elisa Odabashian, watches as they clean out a backpack. (Robert Durell / LAT)
AT HOME: Gavin McNeely Odabashian. 15, left, does homework on her bed with the help of her mom, Elisa Odabashian, (Robert Durell / LAT)
I LOVE BEING RAISED BY WOMEN In the kitchen with moms Elisa Odabashian, left, and Ash McNeely, far right, siblings Gavin, 15, and Baylor, 12, hug. The voices of children like them are often missing from discussions of same-sex marriage (Robert Durell / LAT)
FAMILY PHOTO: A family photo taken several years ago sits on the kitchen counter at the home of Elisa Odabashian, second from left and Ash McNeely, showing the couple and their children Baylor, now 13, left, and Gavin, now 15, second from right, (Robert Durell / LAT)