
A few pointers on L.A.’s rail system

Jane ENGLE found information signs wanting in her journey by bus and rail to downtown from LAX [“LAX-Downtown Rail Plan May Finally Be Leaving the Station,” Travel Insider, Jan. 30]. But her experience would pale in comparison to a tourist arriving by bus or rail at Union Station and expecting easy-to-come-by information.

How much effort or cost to put up some general signage pointing visitors, whether L.A. residents or not, to the various counters of the bus, rail and transit operators?

David Smollar

San Diego


I read with great interest your Travel Insider. What you failed to mention, though, was that we not only need to build a loop through the airport terminal, but we have to build a cloverleaf where the Green Line and Blue Line intersect. Thus we can create at once train rides from downtown Long Beach to LAX and to Norwalk; from downtown L.A. to LAX and to Norwalk; and of course from Norwalk to LAX on the Green Line and on all returns.


Creating connections from the Blue Line to Union Station via the Red Line would give us a connection to the Gold Line to Pasadena. Thus we would have an efficient light rail system toward many parts of the city.

Kurt Herrmann

Los Angeles
