
Infographic: The biggest backers of Jerry Brown’s causes

Each of these donors has given Gov. Jerry Brown’s reelection campaign $54,400, the legal limit, and contributed at least $400,000 to the state Democratic Party, which has no limit. Some have also donated to Brown’s Propositions 1 and 2* campaign fund, which also has no limit.

Donor Democratic Party Props 1 & 2
California Real Estate PAC $1,835,000 $0
California Teachers Assn. $1,460,225 $0
AT&T $809,514 $50,000
State Building & Construction Trades Council $664,928 $150,000
Chevron $620,000 $0
Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters $534,000 $250,000
Working For Working Americans
(Sponsored by United Brotherhood of Carpenters)
$534,000 $250,000
State Assn. of Electrical Workers $496,600 $150,000
Professional Engineers in California Government $455,160 $0
* Proposition 1 is a water bond measure. Proposition 2 would bolster the state’s rainy-day fund.