Today’s editor’s picks
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The American Heart Association is meeting in Chicago. Catch any breaking news at this site.
Want to live to a healthy 85? Stay trim (AP via Seattle PI)
One of the largest, longest studies of aging found one more reason to stay trim and active: It could greatly raise your odds of living to at least age 85. In fact, chances of being healthy in old age are better than even for people who at mid-life have normal blood pressure, good grip strength and several other physical characteristics associated with being fit and active.
Patients Don’t Benefit From Artery-Clearing After Heart Attacks (Bloomberg)
Clearing a blocked artery three to 28 days after a heart attack doesn’t reduce death rates, prevent repeat attacks or protect against heart failure better than using longer term drug therapy, a study showed. 500. Moved 10:35. By Michelle Fay Cortez.
Tamiflu linked to abnormal behavior (LAT)
The maker of the antiviral medication Tamiflu issued a new warning for the flu drug Monday, saying patients must be closely monitored for potential psychiatric problems, including delirium and suicide.
Red Meat May Boost Cancer Risk (Newsday)
A diet rich in red meat may be associated with a greater risk of certain forms of breast cancer in premenopausal women, researchers reported in a study released Monday.
Weight-loss surgery safety varies drastically-study (Reuters Via Scientific American)
The risk of complications such as bleeding and infection in patients undergoing an increasingly popular weight-loss surgery varies drastically based on which hospital performs it, a large study released Monday found.
Insurers propose to close gap (LAT)
With Democrats vowing to make healthcare a top priority, the insurance industry Monday unveiled a proposal to extend coverage to nearly 47 million uninsured persons.