
The DipClip is here to secure fast-food ketchup in your car

The Daily Meal

Everyone who’s been on a road trip knows the struggle of eating in your car. In order to get to your destination on time, you roll up to a McDonald’s or Wendy’s drive-thru, order a burger and some fries, and then get back on your merry way. But eating that burger and fries while barreling down the highway is hard. Not only do you have to (dangerously) drive with just one hand, but you also need to dip your fries in a sauce. (Because every fry is lonely without ketchup.) This delicate dance leads to spills and messes in your car that may never get fully cleaned. Enter: The DipClip.

The DipClip is a new product from Milkmen Design via KickStarter, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. According to Delish, the DipClip is an in-car sauce holder that clips perfectly on to your vehicle’s air vents. Styled after a cell phone holder, the DipClip features a stainless steel vent clip and a reusable ramekin that can hold up to five ketchup packets. makers of the DipClip didn’t just consider ketchup, though - the DipClip sans ramekin can hold a variety of sauce contianers. In the process of developing their product, they tested the DipClip with sauces from McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, Chick-fil-A, and other major fast food chains. The DipClip also is able to hold healthier sauces, like hummus and soy sauce, but who wants that?


After receiving some buzz, the DipClip has surpassed its $10,000 goal, and it’s expected to ship out to Kickstarter backers in March 2018. And if a fast food innovation like this can come to life, perhaps these 10 discontinued fast food items can return, too.
