
Public Kitchen & Bar rating, location and hours

Public Kitchen & Bar

Rating: two stars

Rating is based on food, service and ambience, with price taken into account in relation to quality.

****: Outstanding on every level.

***: Excellent.

**: Very good.

*: Good.

No star: Poor to satisfactory.

Location: Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, 7000 Hollywood Blvd. (between Highland and La Brea avenues), Los Angeles, (323) 769-8888,

Price: Shared starters, $6 to $28; appetizers, $9 to $13; main courses, $16 to $38; sides, $5; desserts, $8 to $12.


Details: Open 6 to 10 p.m. Sunday to Thursday; 6 p.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday (late night menu begins at 10:30 p.m.). Corkage fee, $20. Valet parking, $6 (for three hours with validation).
