
Stuart Pigott’s Riesling pairing suggestions

Pair sushi with a dry to medium-dry Riesling, recommends Stuart Pigott, a wine writer.
Pair sushi with a dry to medium-dry Riesling, recommends Stuart Pigott, a wine writer.
(Alexander Gallardo / Los Angeles Times)

Riesling expert Stuart Pigott also has firm opinions about what foods go best with the wine and includes a long list in his book “Best White Wine on Earth: The Riesling Story.” For example, he’ll drink a dry or medium-dry Riesling with a pastrami sandwich. Never tried it myself, but it makes some kind of sense, and I can’t get the idea out of my mind now that I’ve thought about it. He’ll drink Riesling with pizza too, though he makes sure it’s a medium-dry example.

Here are some of his other Riesling suggestions:

Hot dogs: medium dry

Lobster rolls: medium-dry/medium-sweet

Sushi: dry/medium-dry

Thai curry: medium-sweet

Smoked fish: medium-dry/medium-sweet

Bacon: medium-sweet

Green salads: dry/medium-dry

Roast chicken: dry/medium-dry

Corn: medium-sweet/sweet

Apple pie: sweet

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