
Calendar letters: There is no comparison

Readers say the late Princess Diana, shown talking to amputees at an Orthopedic Workshop in Angola, 1997, was not like Kim Kardashian at all.
(JOAO SILVA / Los Angeles Times)

Regarding “The First Reality Star” [Aug. 23]: What an insult to Princess Diana’s memory that she is compared with Kim Kardashian. How could she even be called the “first” reality star when all she was doing was trying to live her life despite it being magnified unmercifully to the extent that it took her life.

Linda Roberts



This article was so out of line comparing the late princess with Kim Kardashian. Have all of you at The Times lost total perspective?

Carol Honda Garrett

Los Angeles


Diana raised awareness for AIDS, homelessness and land mines. Kim only raises awareness about herself.


Ann C. Hayman


Movies to be used as torture

Regarding “Buried Treasures” [Aug. 27]: Hilarious. At first I thought this was a parody.

Seems to me you should send the hidden treasures list to the CIA. Forcing terrorists to watch the films described therein over and over would surely break them, screaming: “Not the French monastery again! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!”

David Browning

Studio City

A movie to be used as escapism

Regarding “Just One Word: Dizzying” [Aug. 18]: I found “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” to be the perfect movie to help with stress, fearfulness, nausea, and whatever may ail you during these terrifying Trump days. I enjoyed 1 hour, 58 minutes of mindless fun, thrills and chills. I recommend it as an antidote for depression and daily chaos.

Deb Wright

Rancho Santa Margarita

CBS races for racial balance

So CBS barely beat the clock in demonstrating that it had actually improved upon its practice of inclusion of Latino actors and writers this last year [“Latino Groups Praise CBS,” Aug. 23]. While this is a welcome change, CBS’ feet still must be held to the fire.


Louisa B. Caucia


‘Hamilton’ gets a good rap

I have been a theater goer all my life and have followed your reviews often. I especially appreciated your review of “Hamilton.” [“A Musical for Our Times, ‘Hamilton’ Soars at Pantages,” Aug. 18]. So much has been written about this play that it was a welcome surprise to find your fresh perspective. It greatly enhanced my experience of seeing the live performance.

Stephanie Waxman


Lewis’ writers worth a mention

Regarding: “Remembering Jerry Lewis: He Was Tuned in to Television Too” [Aug. 22]: My heartfelt thanks to Robert Lloyd for mentioning “Colgate Comedy Hour” writers Ed Simmons and Norman Lear in his article about Jerry Lewis and his TV appearances. Mr. Simmons was my father, and Mr. Lear is my cousin. I could not be prouder of both of them, and it’s gratifying to have their many contributions to Mr. Lewis’ early television career acknowledged.

Erica Simmons



The most remarkable thing about Jerry Lewis was the sheer breadth of his influence. As a slapstick comedian, he passed the torch from Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton to Sid Caesar, whose writers, in turn, included Mel Brooks, Neil Simon, Larry Gelbart, Carl Reiner and Woody Allen. Even films like “Airplane!” (1980) reflect Lewis’ influence. As an all-around performer, he bridged the era from Danny Kaye to Sammy Davis Jr. (who also partnered with Dean Martin), Petula Clark and Julie Andrews. He mastered the persona of the wide-eyed innocent, linking Stan Laurel and Harpo Marx to Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore and Alf. Finally, his philanthropic work was vastly underappreciated — his telethons raised a reported $2 billion to fund research to fight muscular dystrophy. His efforts on behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Assn. earned him an honorary Oscar and could have justified a Nobel Prize.


Stephen A. Silver

San Francisco

Selling museum art is necessary

Christopher Knight’s repudiation of museum de-accessioning is wrong on so many levels. As one involved with small museums for many years, I’ve viewed with regret their institutional bloodlust for gathering artifacts that will never be exhibited, their lack of ability or willingness to change with the times, and the sheer impossibility of making ends meet in small markets. As for the argument that collections are part of the public trust, so by extension is anything owned by the government and that body sells surplus items every day. Not every decision to sell will survive the test of time, but small museums have long been hamstrung by this obsolete distaste for collection pruning. In today’s world you gotta do what you gotta do.

Mike Rivkin

Rancho Mirage

It’s more than just football

Regarding “Football Drama Is Hard to Knock” [Aug. 22]: I ain’t even a football fan, but “Hard Knox” has won me over this year. A lot of valuable life lessons and wisdom that are not exclusive to sports.

Bob Peace

Ocean Beach

We must save historic artifacts

Regarding “Symbols of Ugly History, Not Pride” [Aug. 19]: Historical artifacts, of whatever artistic value (or not), should never ever be destroyed. Never.

Alan Bell

Los Angeles

[email protected]
