
Duncan Jones reveals ‘Warcraft’s’ gargantuan orc on the Comic-Con floor

“Warcraft” director Duncan Jones discusses two larger-than-life models of characters from the upcoming film on display at San Diego’s Comic-Con International.

The Horde and the Alliance are real, and they’re at Comic-Con. We were on the floor when director Duncan Jones revealed the first look at his characters from the live action “Warcraft” movie. Gaze upon the life-sized (according to the fantasy movie) creation of the orc Orgrim and a life-sized King Llane.

The two characters were presented on preview night at San Diego’s Comic-Con International and we were right there with Jones as he showed his two new characters to the fans of the convention. “Warcraft” comes from Blizzard and over the years the online video game has developed into a massive franchise of books and spinoffs and will now officially become a live action movie from “Moon” director Jones.

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“It’s so important that we get it right,” says Jones. “[T]here’s a huge fan base. ‘Warcraft’ is a game that’s been around for about 20 years now, 10 years as an online game. I’ve been playing it from the very start, being involved in realizing this world and bringing it to film is a unique privilege.”


But how do you go about finding a plot in an online video game that has existed for numerous years with a plethora of plots to consider?

“There’s been a lot of stories and a lot of characters,” says Jones. “And I think one of the things that’s taken the most time, to get the film right, and why it’s taken such a long time for the film to arrive is to choose the right story and find a way to tell it in a way that is both true for the fans, so they can feel like it comes from the game, but also is accessible to those who haven’t played the game before. It was really important to us to make a film that everyone could enjoy.”

If you’re at Comic-Con, the “Warcraft” characters are available for viewing at the Legendary panel. If not, we highly recommend checking out our comprehensive photo gallery with loads of images from the convention floor. “Warcraft” will premiere in theaters on June 10, 2016.


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