
Charlie Sheen sued: What does Scottine Ross claim her ex did?

Life with Charlie Sheen makes the biggest roller coaster look like a walk in the park, according to allegations made in a lawsuit filed by Scottine Ross, formerly Sheen's fiancee.

In her detailed complaint, filed Thursday, Ross paints a fairly awful picture of their life as a couple and accuses the TV star of abusing her physically and emotionally while abusing drugs and alcohol, as well as negligently exposing her to HIV.

She says

According to the lawsuit, Charlie, 50, and Scottine, 26, had reached a tentative deal (more than $1 million to her to keep quiet, to be paid this past Wednesday), which Ross claims Sheen reneged on after revealing his HIV-positive status on the "Today" show and declaring that after shelling out millions, he wasn't going to pay out anymore to anybody.

"Not after today, I'm not," Sheen told Matt Lauer in the Nov. 17 sit-down.

DOCUMENT: Read Scottine Ross' lawsuit against Charlie Sheen

Ross — a former adult film actress who has gone by the names Brett Rossi and Scottine Sheen — told Splash News (via TMZ) on Thursday night that she was suing her ex because she was "tired of being scared" of him and added that she has a clean bill of health.

"Mr. Sheen made it clear on The Today Show that he had no intention of honoring the agreement reached, and sure enough, he didn't. Ms. Ross looks forward to her day in court, and to taking Mr. Sheen's deposition," her attorney, David Ring, said in a statement Thursday. Unspecified general and punitive damages are being sought, in addition to a jury trial.

He says

The "Anger Management" and "Two and a Half Men" veteran isn't taking the suit lying down.

"Charlie Sheen intends to vigorously defend the lawsuit filed by Brett Rossi a/k/a Scottine Ross. Numerous witnesses will dispute each and every claim made by Ms. Rossi," the actor's attorney, Martin Singer, told the L.A. Times in a statement Friday. "We are confident that Mr. Sheen will prevail in this action and also will recover significant damages against her in connection with a pending arbitration that was commenced months ago."

The documents go heavy on the detail in alleging bad behavior by Sheen during their relationship, which began in November 2013 and ended in October 2014. What follows are a few of the more shocking accusations Ross lays out against her former fiance — or you can click the link above to read the complaint in full.

She says lots more: 7 of the hottest allegations

They had sex five times before she knew he was HIV positive

Ross says Sheen didn't reveal his HIV status until after she found his medication in a medicine chest. "If Sheen had disclosed to Plaintiff that he was HIV positive when they met for the very first time, Plaintiff would never have engaged in sex with him," the complaint says, "and the resulting relationship between the two would never have occurred."

He got violent when he was under the influence

Ross alleges in the court documents that on various occasions, Sheen held an unloaded gun to her head during a car ride and repeatedly pulled the trigger. She also claims he hit her, kicked her, threw a concrete pillar at her, put her in a chokehold while threatening to kill her and engaged in rough sex that had her crying and begging him to stop. She describes terrifying rages and abusive, profane name-calling. And the list goes on. And on.

She says she was forced to get an abortion

"[W]hen Plaintiff told Sheen that she was pregnant, he became extremely upset. Sheen indicated that he did not want his child to have his blood type (i.e., HIV-Positive) ...," the suit says. "When Plaintiff told Sheen that she did not want to have an abortion, Sheen erupted into a fit of rage, stating he would 'kick her to the curb' if she did not have an abortion, and that he did not want her 'to give birth to a retarded child.' " She got the abortion, she says.

He talked about taking out a hit on her ex-husband

"In January 2014, Sheen described to Plaintiff, in graphic detail, about how he wanted to murder people he was angry with," the complaint says. At some point in that month, the suit states, he told Ross he wanted to put a hit out on her ex-husband. "One evening, Plaintiff discovered text messages ... indicating that some sort of 'hit' had indeed been placed on her ex-husband." When she confronted Sheen about the texts, according to documents, he screamed at Ross, locked her in a room for hours and told her if police found out, he'd say it was her plan and "use his money and influence" to make sure she did prison time.

He was back on crack

Sheen admitted to Ross in January 2014 that he'd smoked crack cocaine three times that month, the document says. In 2011, he'd said his attempts to use crack "socially" "kind of blew up in my face. Like an exploding crack pipe."

Sheen mocked her via text after her post-breakup suicide attempt

Awhile after Sheen cut her loose abruptly in October 2014, Ross "went into an emotional tailspin," the suit says, and tried unsuccessfully to kill herself. "Plaintiff received a text message from Sheen stating, '[f]unny how an ex-nursing student couldn't calculate the appropriate dosage of a vintage drug such as valium to successfully kill herself.' " He continued to send "insulting and demeaning text messages" to Ross, the lawsuit says. In December 2014, she attempted suicide again "because she feared that Sheen would continue to emotionally abuse her both privately and publicly."

Despite what he said on "Today," he didn't always take his meds

"[W]henever Sheen's illegal drug use would get out of control, he would routinely fail to take his HIV medication. ... ," the complaint says. "This was very concerning to Plaintiff, as he put her at substantial risk of contracting HIV by not taking his medication." Sheen told Lauer in November that no matter what, he hadn't missed a day of medication since he was diagnosed.

Also ...

The nondisclosure agreement doesn't matter, her attorney says

Why? Though they hit it off after meeting and began a relationship, Sheen allegedly paid Ross $10,000 to have sex with him that first night, when she signed the NDA. And you can't enter into a legal contract "the sole purpose of which is to engage in illegal activities. Plaintiff acknowledges that her sole purpose for going to SHEEN's home on November 1, 2013 was to engage in sex with him in exchange for monetary payment."

She admits she was in denial

Once Sheen sobered up, he'd apologize, proclaim his love and clean up his act for days or weeks, the suit says, but it wouldn't stick. "Plaintiff admits, in hindsight, that she was in denial about the extent of Sheen's issues and the toil [sic] it was taking on the relationship. She ... tried to justify the relationship by believing that if Sheen could stay sober then everything would be fine. Again, Plaintiff was 24 years old at the time of this relationship."

All righty then. This should be a good one. Stay tuned.

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