
New feature may offer the second easiest way to book a flight

If you think booking a flight online is too complex, CheapAir says it may have the solution for you.

The travel website last week unveiled a search feature that lets you type in your travel needs in a simple statement, instead of punching in destination, dates and times in several fields.

People who use the feature, called Easy Search, can type in a sentence such as “L.A. to Newark on July 3, returning on the 10th.” The software at the travel site will decipher the airport codes and calendar dates and display the flights that best fit your needs, according to CheapAir.


“Easy Search is one more thing we’re doing differently than the competition to make it easier to book travel arrangements,” said Jeff Klee, chief executive of

Still, there may be one easier way to book travel: Call a travel agent.


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Follow Hugo Martin on Twitter at @hugomartin
