
Good Form: Reverse warrior battles bad posture

Good Form

Practice this classic yoga posture called “reverse warrior” to strengthen your legs, stretch the muscles on the sides of your torso and open your hips. Remember to be patient with this pose. With regular practice, it will help ease back pain and improve your posture and gait.

Begin with your feet parallel to each other in a wide stance. Turn your right foot out and your left foot in slightly. Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle so that your right knee is directly above your right foot. Stretch both arms out to the sides at shoulder level, palms turned down. Gaze over your right hand. Contract your leg muscles and allow your pelvis to descend as you lift and lengthen your spine. Pause for three breaths.

Maintain the 90-degree angle with your right leg as you inhale and raise your right arm up. On an exhalation, lean your torso to the left as you slide your left hand down along the outside of your left calf. Try to create more space between each of the ribs on the right side of your torso. Hold this position for three to six breaths. Then switch sides and repeat.


Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs including “Full Body Stretch” and “Ballet BodySculpt.”

[email protected]
