
Basic yoga pose

Good Form

If you’re new to yoga and not limber yet, here’s a safe and simple way to get started. With this pose, you’ll develop flexibility in your hip, thigh and back muscles so you can progress to more advanced poses.

Begin by kneeling on a level, padded surface. Place your left foot flat on the floor, with your knee bent and your toes pointed to the left. Make sure your left heel is directly across from your right inner knee. Rest your left elbow on your left thigh. On an inhale, reach your right arm overhead with your palm facing inward. Exhale and lean your torso toward your left knee. Keep your left shoulder forward. Focus on feeling the stretch along the right side of your body and in your left inner thigh. Hold and breathe in this position for three to six breaths.

When your body feels ready, move deeper into the stretch by placing your left fingertips on the floor in front of your left foot. Do not allow your right hip to move backward. Hold this position for three to six breaths. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.

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Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”
