
A proper downward-facing dog

Good Form

If you practice yoga, you’re familiar with downward-facing dog. It’s a traditional pose that requires strength and energy in your arms and shoulders, extension of the spine, and power and stamina in your legs.

From a kneeling position, sit back on your heels. Take your arms to the floor and walk your hands as far forward as possible, keeping them shoulder-width apart. Now come up to all fours, moving your feet hip-width apart. Push back on your feet and straighten your legs as you raise your hips. Lower your head between your upper arms and move your chest toward your thighs, maintaining a straight spine. Lower your heels to the floor as you lift your sitting bones toward the ceiling. Pause for 10 to 20 seconds. Release down to the start position or continue to the more advanced variation.

Focus on feeling an evenness over both hands. Then slowly shift your weight onto your left leg. Raise your right leg up as high as you can without twisting your shoulders and hips. Keep the front of your body facing the floor. Pause for two to three breaths, lower your right leg, shift your weight over it and raise your left leg. Pause for two to three breaths. Lower your leg, bend your knees to all fours and return to the start position.

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Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including “Sleek Essentials.”
