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Use’s Road Trip Planner to detect potential weather delays before you leave the driveway.

What’s hot: The Road Trip Planner in the “Travel & Activities” section of Weather Underground shows you what the weather will be like on your upcoming road trip.

Just type in your departure city and up to three destinations with the dates you’ll be there and voilà! -- a map of your trip with weather forecasts for your route pop up. Spot unpleasant conditions (as in “chance of snow”) before you encounter them.

This is a must for planning ski trips. Note that the forecast is good for only seven days, but you can check historical weather reports for international locations in its “Trip Planner.”

What’s not: Maps are so sophisticated these days that I would love to see some added features such as a button that would show me nearby hotels or another that would highlight traffic patterns. They are using Google Maps, after all.

-- Jen Leo
