
Garden: Seed packets to match your resolutions

Hate seed catalogs? Too many variables in what to buy, when to plant and how?

Enter Burpee’s New Year’s Resolution Garden, essentially a packet of seed packets. The marketing pitch is that each type of seed corresponds to a common New Year’s resolution. Want to lose weight? Grow lettuce. Want to spend more time with the family? Grow sunflowers together. Want to save money? Grow your own tomatoes. It’s a cute idea, but what many gardeners may love is the ease of getting seven packs of seeds for $10, without weighing 47 tomato choices.

The Resolution Garden also includes seeds for a type of Monarda called Bergamo, which attracts bees (to be a steward of the environment); a mix of annual cutting flowers (to reduce stress); carrots (to make better food choices); and the pole bean Blue Lake (which apparently requires exercise). Each pack comes with an illustrated poster with a garden-layout plan.

Go to and search for “Resolution Garden.”

— Deborah Netburn
