
Pier reviews

Re “In an evolving city, a salty sentinel,” Sept. 8

Your article on the Santa Monica Pier was right on the money.

I grew up nearby. At 12 or 13, a bunch of us rented a boat locker under the pier and kept our surfboards there. That way, we could ride our bikes down and surf the south side of the pier.

After a full day of riding waves and chasing girls, we’d head home, only to do it again the next day. That was the pier in the late ‘50s.

I loved one restaurant on the pier, run by an English lady. Nothing special about the food, just her. She put up with us kids.


The pier was an early California attraction that a lot of people took for granted. It had a life of its own; it’s good that people now recognize that. It represented Santa Monica; it’s good that it’s getting a second life.

Ray Polson

Los Olivos, Calif.

Millions of people have fond memories about the Santa Monica Pier.

I met my wife at the pier on our first date. Years later, I designed the Ferris wheel’s solar power system.

You can be sure that we will be celebrating the pier’s 100th -- and our 25th -- anniversary.


Joel Davidson

Culver City
