
Pakistan’s war on terrorism

Re “Fear and loathing in Pakistan,” Opinion, March 8

Doyle McManus’ column does not reflect the reality on the ground in Pakistan. The civilian and military leadership of the country is totally committed to defeating terrorism. The people of Pakistan are with the government in this war. Supporting the U.S. in Afghanistan and combating terrorism, Pakistan has incurred colossal human losses. In addition to its military action, Pakistan is working on a strategy to help traditional tribal leaders take the lead in the war against terrorism, and is in the process of rebuilding infrastructure and economic activity.

McManus fails to understand that Pakistan is at a crossroads in its political and economic development. Our transition to democracy has brought us to the edge of an economic and social turnaround that could change the future of not only our nation but our region and the world. Such transitions obviously take time.

We expect our international friends, and especially the United States, to express their solidarity with the people of Pakistan. The country is heading in the right direction after eight long years of dictatorship.


Nadeem H. Kiani



The writer is press attache at the Pakistani Embassy.
