
Go ahead, snooze

If you find yourself fighting the urge to catch 40 winks in the middle of the day, maybe it’s time to start snoozing and stop worrying about what your boss will think. You might be surprised by how many of your co-workers will join you.

Thirty-four percent of Americans take a nap on a typical day, according to the latest Pew Research Center Social & Demographic Trends survey. For men older than 50, the prevalence of napping rises to 41%. Napping for as little as 20 or 30 minutes can “improve mood, alertness and performance,” according to the National Sleep Foundation. And today’s nappers are in good company -- their habit was shared by Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, the foundation says.

Napping is widespread among people in all regions of the country, according to the survey. It is shared by city dwellers, suburbanites and folks in rural areas. Single people are just as likely to nap as married people; so are parents, childless adults and empty-nesters.


Not surprisingly, people who reported trouble sleeping the previous night were more likely to take a nap (41%) compared with those who slept well (32%).

Exercise also seems to make people sleepy -- 37% of people who recently engaged in a vigorous workout said they napped, compared with 30% of those who are less active.

