
Underrated / Overrated


The 33 1/3 series: Now up to 63 titles, this set of classic-album deconstructions in mini-book form does wonders to disprove the notion that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Want to ponder the cultural significance of Celine Dion or explore Black Sabbath’s “Master of Reality” through the eyes of a disturbed teen? This series has both and much more. Listen up and start reading now.

Delayed DVR gratification: It’s a risky move to withhold a series’ output from yourself (particularly if you spend any time on the spoiler-ridden Internet), but the payoffs are great. We just now started the final season of “Battlestar Galactica,” and it’s wonderful to knock out a bunch of episodes in one sitting with prior shows fresh in our minds -- and we decide on the cliffhangers. Suspense is so 2005.



Philip Glass’ film work: Far be it from us to slag a musical treasure, but the Minimalist themes that are his stock in trade can be absolutely lethal during late-night movie viewing. We once heard Glass referred to as “Philip Glass, Philip Glass,” a joke we didn’t get until being lulled to sleep during the otherwise excellent “The Fog of War.” Talented guy, but some scores should come with warning labels.


John Cusack: Oh, John. You inspired teenage dreams with “Say Anything” and spoke for a nation of record geeks in the adaptation of Nick Hornby’s “High Fidelity.” But you slogged through “1408” like a man who’d rather be somewhere -- anywhere -- else, and despite indie efforts such as “Grace Is Gone” and “War, Inc.,” we’re worried you’re falling into the dark side. Stay quirky, Cusack. The world already has a Nic Cage.
