
Iger, Bening star at Geffen gala

Gil Cates pulled off the mother of all award shows just last month, so putting on the annual Backstage at the Geffen Gala on Monday must have been a breeze for the Academy Awards producer. Honorees Disney President and Chief Executive 4. Robert Iger and Annette Bening flashed award-winning smiles along with their statues, noting their contributions to the theater community. Host Dick Van Dyke spontaneously burst into a few bars of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” while Bening blurted out a “Romeo and Juliet” monologue she knew. Performances included the “He’s a Tramp” serenade to Iger from the leads of the studio’s Broadway shows “Mary Poppins’ ” Ashley Brown and “The Little Mermaid’s” Sierra Boggess 5. Brown, right, with Geffen Playhouse stage vet Sharon Lawrence, also performed “Feed the Birds.”
