
CBS will air old ‘Dexter’ episodes

From City News Service

In the latest unconventional move by a network to deal with the writers strike, CBS said Monday that it would air the first season of the Showtime serial-killer drama “Dexter” at 10 p.m. Sundays, beginning Feb. 17.

It will mark the first time a full season of a premium cable drama series will be shown on network television. All 12 of “Dexter’s” first-season episodes will be edited and broadcast on a dozen consecutive Sundays in the time slot occupied by “Shark,” a CBS executive said.

Showtime is owned by CBS Corp.

“Dexter” stars Michael C. Hall as an incredibly likable Miami Metro Police Dept. forensics expert who is also a serial killer, although he kills only murderers who can’t otherwise be brought to justice.


CBS said that “Shark,” a legal drama starring James Woods, would return, but the timing depends on when the writers strike ends.
