
Lofty goal, if done right

Re “A million L.A. trees: Will they take root?” Sept. 24

I applaud the mayor for his Million Trees LA initiative. Antonio Villaraigosa’s legacy will be evident for years to come.

Richard Arellano

San Pedro


Why do we have a mayor who keeps contradicting himself?

He is giving away 1 million trees to be planted by the recipients, and on the other hand he is pushing to conserve water.

You can’t plant 1 million trees and conserve water.

Antonio Valle

Los Angeles


Before Villaraigosa plants any more trees on public property, he needs to take a long, hard look at maintaining and trimming existing trees.


The trees in my neighborhood are diseased, stressed and badly in need of trimming. Large limbs regularly fall onto adjacent sidewalks.

Despite two years of requests for help, I’m told we’re not due for pruning.

Michele Wytko

Los Angeles


Although it’s hard to find fault with the goal of planting 1 million trees in this concrete jungle, one question keeps rattling in my mind: Are we planting the right trees?

With the Southland’s indigenous wildlife population -- especially its birds -- already fighting for survival, why not help them in their plight by planting such native species as oak, sycamore and alder?


Brad Rumble

Los Angeles
