
Before taking this shot, maybe he should’ve yelled ‘Aft!’

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at [email protected].

It happened, eerily enough, on the 13th hole of the Rancho Park Golf Course in West L.A. Jack Ahn was about to tee off while partner Johnny Shin was standing off to the left about 25 feet to 35 feet away.

Court records indicate that the two made eye contact.

Shin took a water bottle out of his bag and checked his phone for messages. After a practice swing, Ahn “focused on the ball for 15 to 20 seconds,” wrote John Roemer of the L.A. Daily Journal.

Then Ahn swung. His drive struck Shin in the head, causing a serious brain injury, according to Shin’s attorney.


A lawsuit ensued, and “judges have been replaying the stroke ever since,” Roemer wrote.

A Santa Monica trial judge first ruled in favor of Ahn in 2004, holding that recreational players assume the risk of being injured. Then the judge reversed his own decision. The case has now worked its way up to the state Supreme Court.

At one point, a judge cited no less an authority than W.C. Fields, who declared in a 1930 comedy, “The Golf Specialist,” that players near a golfer who is about to swing should stay out of the way.

But Shin’s attorney told the Metropolitan News-Enterprise that “you don’t wear a helmet when you’re playing golf because you don’t assume the risk that someone crazy is going to a hit a ball into your head when they can see where you are.”


What will they think of next? A sales receipt belonging to Bruce Thompson of Huntington Beach seemed to say he had purchased an unusual lingerie item (see accompanying). Actually, it was a rear-mounting bracket.

Cold properties: Kathy Harmon-Luber of Idyllwild spotted a real estate sign that I suspect may be a joke (see photo).

No wonder officials are hopping mad: An airport in Milan has been invaded by rabbits, causing all sorts of delays. (You can see footage of the creatures on


I was reminded of a similar situation at LAX about half a century ago -- and a classic shot by The Times’ Art Rogers (see photo).

Rabbits are no longer a problem here because the creatures are too impatient to stand in line at the security checkpoints.

Tale of the city: “You can buy alcohol at the 99 cents store in Van Nuys -- beer and wine -- and that’s not a problem for this 55-year-old guy,” writes John Hendry. “Except most of the checkers are under 21 and, so, while you’re being rung up, they stop and cry out ‘ALCOHOL!’ for everyone to hear as they’re asking for a manager to ring up your three cans of beer.

“Anyway, my doctor tells me not to drink with my medication. So I go back to the 99 cents store, find a special on nonalcoholic beer, and go to check out. Outed again: Nonalcoholic beer comes in the same silver or gold color scheme as beer. Now the cry ‘ALCOHOL!’ is heard again and the manager has to explain to the under-21 clerk what nonalcoholic beer is.

“And all I can say to everyone is, ‘My doctor made me do it.’ ”

miscelLAny: I believe the same W.C. Fields movie cited above showed the comic, on a golf course, pulling a club out of his bag and muttering, “Hmmm. Too long.” Then he pulls out another club and says, “Too short.” Then he pulls a third club out and says, “Too medium.”
