
Religion’s dark side

Re “Leaders of 5 faiths decry violence in name of religion,” June 30

The story regarding a meeting of five faiths to reconcile their differences merely points up the propensity of religious groups to ignore inhuman behavior in the name of religion and pontificate on the goodness of God. Their communique stated, “A blessing to all creation, religion is a constant reminder to humanity of the divine spark in every person.” The statement goes on to decry how “horrific acts” are justified in the name of religion. When haven’t horrible acts been justified in the name of religion?

Since the beginning of recorded time, evidence shows that religions have always performed horrible acts in the name of religion. Human sacrifices, animal sacrifices, wars, pillaging and ethnic cleansing are mostly events related to religious differences. Religions have always been a way for wily, hypocritical leaders using superstition to intimidate people and extort riches from them. The leaders of this five-faith group are no better.


San Diego
