
Historical views on how to handle Iraq

Re “What would Julius do?” Opinion, Dec. 29

The idea of posing questions to great world leaders of history about how they would handle modern-day crises is great fun. What wonderful choices you made in the selection of eminent authorities and how insightful were their well-informed contributions of knowledge.

In a way, though, it is sad to reflect on this. If those from whom our national leaders sought counsel had included historians and anthropologists along with military and intelligence people, the worst international blunder in our nation’s history might have been avoided and the lives of 3,000 brave Americans, along with countless Iraqis, might have been spared.


Voorhees, N.J.


Thank you for the Dec. 29 Op-Eds on four great war leaders. The Times has done a significant public service by giving readers some historical perspective. Please promise to run a similar series of columns the next time we have a saberrattling president eager to go to war.


Perhaps the American people will be better equipped to insist that its leaders only go to war when absolutely necessary. Perhaps they also will insist that our leaders plan well and learn the lessons of history.


Rancho Santa Margarita
