
‘Betty’ celebrates differences

THE creators of “Ugly Betty” may say that, since he’s only 12, the character of Justin is too young for them to explore his sexuality, but that’s patently disingenuous [“Just the Way You Are,” by Maria Elena Fernandez, Jan. 31]. Besides the fact that plenty of real 12-year-olds are exploring their sexuality, what they mean is that he’s too young for them to treat him as an out gay character and get away with it on network television. So, to keep him on the show, they don’t label him explicitly.

Justin is well-written and well-acted, like the rest of the show. He’s an inspiration for gay kids and cathartic for gay adults. But I bet a pair of new Pradas he comes out in a few years. Heck, I’ll even throw in a toaster oven.


Los Angeles


AS someone who grew up “different” and is an avid fan of “Ugly Betty,” I really enjoyed your article. Justin is a character who is charming and brilliantly scripted. It is my hope that they do not out him but rather keep him ambiguously straight, allowing all of us on the Island of Misfit Toys to have a character with which we can identify -- much like Herbie on “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”



Los Angeles
