
Soldiers deserve the protection

Re “Military thinks twice about fortified trucks,” Dec. 27

Not one of the experts in your article who is concerned that the “mine-resistant ambush-protected” vehicle is wrong for the strategy, tactics and maneuvering is among the people who have to perform the mission. There is not a single opinion offered by an operational soldier on the value, safety and increased survivability the MRAP provides. The facts cannot be disputed: The MRAP is saving lives, and it needs to be another weapon in the arsenal. And if not the MRAP, what do these talking heads plan to use in its place?

If we want mothers and fathers to continue sending us their sons and daughters to defend the nation, then we should never again hear the words, “We go to war with the Army we have, not the Army we would like to have.” We have the Army we would like to have, and we have made a commitment to these men and women. We need to honor that commitment, doing everything we can to ensure their safety in an inherently dangerous profession.

Marc A. King

U.S. Army Lt. Colonel (ret.)

Germantown, Md.


Whether or not these monsters are successful for military use, I’m sure the civilian version will be a big hit. Imagine how the MRAP driver can look down not only on Prius owners but also Hummer drivers. Never mind that it may be a little dicey trying to maneuver MRAPs in and out of compact parking places. Just think of the kids and groceries they could haul. And they’re really, really safe in an accident. Our governor could pick one to drive to the next meeting on energy conservation -- the green one, perhaps. And next, the hybrid MRAP, capable of up to 9 miles per gallon on the highway. I can hardly wait.


Ed Carstens

Santa Clarita
