
Stop the pension ‘gravy train’

Re “O.C. may try to trim deputies’ pensions,” August 1

It’s beyond belief that our elected politicians have created an unsustainable financial system that makes virtually all public employees among the country’s most overly compensated workers. The whole public pension system should be scrapped and replaced with a 401(k) or similar program, like most American workers have.

Bruce Robbins

Huntington Beach


Collective bargaining by law enforcement unions is not in good faith when union contributions support the election of politicians who approve the benefits. Public employee unions across California should be prohibited from contributions to elected officials when benefits are decided by the same elected officials. A fiduciary duty exists that requires the elected officials of Orange County and every other governing body in California to make pension and benefit decisions based on sound fiduciary principles, not political loyalty.

It is time to end the political gravy train for all public employees.

David N. Seaman

Long Beach
