
Unfair attack on LAPD foundation

Re “Firms’ gifts to LAPD raise doubts,” April 15

The Times’ unnecessary attack on the Los Angeles Police Department via the Los Angeles Police Foundation was unwarranted. The article failed to point out any wrongdoing by the department, the chief of police or the foundation.

It failed to report the outstanding work the foundation has done for this city and also for the dedicated men and women of the LAPD. A quick visit to the Los Angeles Police Foundation website shows the countless programs, educational opportunities and specialized equipment the foundation has donated to the LAPD at no cost to taxpayers.


Los Angeles

The writer is a police officer with the LAPD.


It’s a sad day for Los Angeles when our police chief thinks it’s OK to shake down a cigarette company and others for protection money. I’m sure he doesn’t see it that way, but that’s certainly how it looks.



