
Get up, stand up

PEARL JAM’S much-anticipated self-titled album is a rarity in itself [“Ready For a Storm,” April 30]. Not only does it conclude a band’s career that has spanned 15 glorious years, it also speaks up for a generation that I feel is lost. That generation, unfortunately, is mine. A generation that is lost within the realm of reality television, iPods, drone-like and repetitive music, apathy and indifference. I can see this apathy and indifference whenever I strike up a conversation with a member of our “lost” generation. The necessity for dissent has grown, yet the motivation and courage to stand up and dissent has lessened.

Our great country was created because of dissent. Society now views those who choose to dissent as “un-American.” It’s by placing these labels on individuals that discourages others from standing up.

Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam are not afraid of this backlash. They remain one of few bands who use their musical gift to entertain, enlighten, educate and motivate.


For a generation that seems to be so self-indulged, it’s great to know that someone still stands up for what others refuse to stand up for. I hope their integrity and passion carry into the minds of those who hear their music. For the sake of our future, I definitely hope so.


Puyallup, Wash.
