
There’s a saying: ‘That’s hockey’

As usual, Helene Elliott’s Dec. 17 article on the Ducks was well written and informative. Helene covered almost all the bases in explaining why the Ducks still have some work to do in capturing the full attention of local sports fans.

The only aspect of this topic she did not mention is the lack of print media attention. The Times, for example, did not have a beat writer assigned to the Ducks for many road games. I hope Helene’s article is the start of an awakening at The Times.


La Crescenta


For an Angels weeknight game in August, it took me 2 1/2 hours to get from my desk in Hollywood to my seat in Angel Stadium. The same trip for a Rolling Stones concert last year took a full three hours. So I got a good chuckle from Helene Elliott’s assertion that the adjacent Honda Center is “only 40 minutes away.” Perhaps at 3 a.m. or in a helicopter, but not in a car at game time.


The Ducks aren’t competing with the Dodgers, Lakers and UCLA for popularity any more than they’re competing with the Padres and Chargers. Hockey’s not to blame; geography is.


Studio City
