
‘Mall talk’ was not deserving of space

Re Current’s “Mall talk” theme, Dec. 10

This is how you demonstrate the journalistic importance and gravitas of The Times -- with pages of prime editorial space taken up with a discussion of shopping malls? This is a newly lowered bar, even for Tribune-transfused management. Although I don’t think it works well in practice, themed Saturday editorials are an interesting concept worth exploring.

But this? What can we look forward to in the coming months, a trenchant dissection of modern sitcoms? How pet parks are shaping our society? A down-and-dirty unveiling of the manicure industry? You’ve still got editorial writers with working brains and writing chops. For God’s sake, let them think for themselves in real opinion pieces. No wonder the rest of the nation laughs at us.




I find it beyond contemptible that while American troops and Iraqi civilians die daily in our war over the Iraqi oil fields, you chose to feature pages of stories in Current on -- what else? -- shopping malls. Our nation is diseased.



Vista, Calif.
