

1. Which city was attacked 911 days after 9/11?

A) London

B) Bali

C) Madrid

D) Cairo

E) Los Angeles

2. Where did Richard Reid hide his explosives?

A) His suitcase

B) His beard

C) His jacket

D) His shoes

3. Which of the following terrorists is saving investigators some time by writing an autobiography?

A) Ali Gufron, alias Mukhlas, the mastermind of the Bali bombing

B) Mohamed Atta, leader of the 9/11 attack

C) El Gitanillo, the youngest of the terrorists involved in the Madrid train bombing

D) Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, architect of the 9/11 attack

E) Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber

4. Which of the following aliases or nicknames is not used by Khalid Shaikh Mohammed?

A) Khalid Abdul Wadood

B) The Forrest Gump of Terrorism

C) Salim Ali

D) Khalid the Brain

E) Third in Command

5. In which of the following years did significant terrorist attacks -- those involving large numbers of casualties or property damage -- hit a 20-year high?

A) 1999

B) 2000

C) 2001

D) 2002

E) 2003

6. Of the 651 international terrorist attacks last year, which was the most common method used?


A) Suicide bombing

B) Armed attack

C) Chemical weapon

D) Bomb

7. How long was the siege at Beslan, Russia, in which attackers took children hostage at a school?

A) Three hours

B) One day

C) Three days

D) Five days

E) One week

8. Two bombings in London in July led the British government to pursue all of the following policies except:

A) Deporting extremist imams

B) Setting a deadline for withdrawing troops from Iraq

C) Reevaluating the police force’s shoot-to-kill policy

D) Meeting with Muslim leaders to evaluate immigration rules

E) Pushing a new antiterrorism law that would make “acts preparatory to terrorism” illegal

9. Earlier this year, the Pentagon and the president tussled over the renaming of the “Global War on Terror.” Which of the following was the suggested new title?


A) International Fight for Freedom in the Middle East

B) War Against Extreme Islamism

C) Global Fight Against Terror

D) Crusades Redux

E) Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism

Correct answers:

1 (C), 2 (D), 3 (A), 4 (D), 5 (E), 6 (B), 7 (C), 8 (B), 9 (E).
