
Studying retirement

I enjoyed Mimi Avins’ article on retirement [“For Men, Aging’s a Type-A War Zone,” Oct. 30]. Let me offer another option, with which I’ve had great success.

I’ve gone back to graduate school -- the University of Bob -- to get my degree in Mature Wisdom, which is the wisdom that comes when the pressures and influences of youth no longer afflict and warp you. I’ve created a variety of intriguing courses using the myriad books I’ve collected over the years but didn’t have the time to read, digest and reflect upon. Courses range from ancient to modern history, from Dickens to Sinclair Lewis, from Van Eyck to Mondrian, and much more. Exams and term papers are optional. I keep to a rigidly flexible schedule, usually upward of 20 hours per week. My mind expands. My body relaxes. It’s lovely.

Better than golf, booze and/or indolence.


Palm Springs
